Dungeons & Dragons: Creating Characters Tutorial

Brief Summary of Dungeons & Dragons

Dungeons and Dragons, or D&D for short, is a fantasy tabletop role-playing game, created by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. In D&D, you play characters that are made by you in a world made by either the Dungeon Master, also known as a Game Master, or from books that are published by Wizards of the Coast. Wizards of the Coast are the official publishers since 1997.

What are Character Sheets?

Character sheets are where you keep your information about your character. There are a variety of different character sheets out there. You can use this link to get the same character sheet I will be using throughout this tutorial. (link) No matter what style of sheet you use, it is organized to be user friendly, that way you spend less time looking at your sheet and more time in the game. Let’s have some fun!

The Dice Used in the Game

In D&D, you roll dice to figure out what outcome will happen based on your decisions. These 7 mystical shapes link your decisions to your character's fate. The names given to the dice are: d20, d12, d10 (and d100), d8, d6, and d4. The "d" stands for die, or dice. They are used in the game for a variety of reasons. The primary die that is used is the d20. That is because almost every roll you make will be based off of the number you roll with it. Later in this tutorial I will be using the d6 to demonstrate one method of rolling ability scores, but that comes later. On to the races of the realm.

The D20
The D12
The D10
The D8
The D6
The D4

D&D's Official Site

Wizards of the Coast has an official website called DnDBeyond. There you can find a more in depth tutorial on how to make a character. This one breaks the process down to the bare needs. A little less intimadating, you could say. Here is a link to their new player guide.